Sometimes we women make up excuses for them, too - such as 'oh, he travels a lot' or 'he's just getting over a relationship'. The truth of the matter they are excuses - if they are into you they are into you...period! Did I mention that I have often spread this knowledge forth to prosper among other single ladies?
Well, once in a while, the book and myself are wrong! Sometimes there ARE legitimate excuses like the one I experienced after a date! Here's the scoop!
Then the biggie! I received a call from the hospital where he works and thought he had to go in - well HE DID!!! As a PATIENT!!!!
He went to work out in between our hike and going out, got chest pains and found himself passed out on the treadmill! Idid go physically visit him (he invited) in the hospital and saw him in a gown hooked up to heart monitors for my own two eyes! WOW!!
So, ladies, only once in a GREAT LONG while is an 'excuse' for real! Otherwise, I would stick to the generalizations where if it is too far out then it really IS an excuse and He's Just NOT That Into You! Stay tuned for more tales to come!