Friday, April 15, 2011

Been a while!...

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 2:12 PM 0 comments
Well, it has been a while, but LIFE has happened and I have been going with the flow, dodging curve balls and all sorts of things, getting my life into a whole new perspective! 

I have learned a few things in my time away as it has been a while since I have dated, or posted about it:
  1. Having Mr. Ok-Right-Now around does NOT leave room for anyone else to land in your life.
  2. Even my ex-husband can meet someone willing to spend the rest of their life with him...OY!
  3. Life is all about CHANGE and that perhaps if we aren't willing to make those changes, God, the universe, or whatever you believe in, will make them for us.
  4. Life is also about taking chances and risks and we should come sliding into the grave having used up everything, having had a blast along the way!
  5. I'd rather have a pile of 'oh wells' than 'what ifs' along the way
So all of this has led to you ask??????
I said YES to a date and am having a GREAT time!  : )

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Date again Mom?

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Recently, having been out of the dating scene for a while, I decided to ask the kids what they thought of their mom dating again!

Well, much enthusiasm ensued and then I wondered 'why the ecstatic-ness?'  So I asked why they were so excited for Mom to date again - to which my daughter (age 9) replied "we just want you to be happy Mom!"

I explained my happiness and that I didn't need to date someone to BE happy - that I had them, me, my friends, my work, and was really liking this town and move - and that I felt QUITE HAPPY...

My daughter had her fingers to her chin, deep in thought - then stated "we just want you to be EXTRA HAPPY then Mom, like the cherry on top!"

How wise, little one, how wise!  : )

Friday, April 1, 2011

Life's changes

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Since this blog began, it was originally designed to share dating stories, but also incorporate tales from the trenches of womanhood, I will share a story about life's BIG changes!

I recently found myself as a single mom with not much child support in need of new employment.  I was blessed enough to have 5-6 months' time by my current employer, but it was still stressful nonetheless, and to boot, I had just purchased my own home after 4 years of efforts and looking!  OY! Long story short, when we trust that all will work out (not naively, but really trust AND still behave, act, have efforts that support things working out) and we surrender to the many possibilities life has to offer, life really does offer good things!  To handle it, I had to take better care of myself than ever before, I had to search and work diligently on job prospects, and plan for the worst ALL at the same time.  I made good financial decisions, cut back in preparation, asked people for help, continued exercising, eating well, stress management, and lots of movement meditation, Nia, counseling, life coaching and visualization to keep me on good solid ground along the way!  Boy, I am not kidding when I say it takes a village to raise me! ; )

I never saw myself moving for years, but as I grew open to seeing new things, applying for jobs all over the country, it grew on me and I still new the right job, place, and situation would open up in time.  The job I accepted did mean a new town, new place, new people, new surroundings and many new opportunities.  I was scared, nervous, had two young children, but I KNEW and TRUSTED that all would work out!  Even my day to interview at the site location was insanely meant to be - rentals, schools, After school care, even a group of belly dancers helped me see if the puzzle pieces would fit - and they all 'magically' fell together.

Since moving here, things have been challenging, sure, I do not have Rose-Colored glasses on - but they have not been as difficult as I had thought - no crying, no wanting to move back, nothing.  I'm really wearing my big girl panties!  It is what it is and I moved here to embrace this change and give it a real shot.  And by giving it a real shot that sometimes means making myself be outside my box in meeting people, trying new things, and it has been FUN! 

So, the job is wonderful and going far better than any other and better than expected - what a relief!  The kids have been adjusting and getting better and better.  We are all making friends, joining in things, and finding cool things to do here.  I even accepted a date with a nice fella and have been enjoying myself immensely on that front as well.

Life's changes - I've experienced LOTS of new all in a year's time - embrace it, change is good for the soul, and God really doesn't give you more than you can handle - or perhaps thinks we should handle it! Growth, learning, development, skill-building...go with it!  : )

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