Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Doing GOOD in this crazy world!

Posted by Daring Delightful Digital Diva at 9:04 AM 0 comments
I haven't written in a while...I've been contemplating, and even stuck somewhat. The world also has things happening faster than I can wrap my head around.  SO many things, so little time.  So much negativity, such a feeling of little influence.  I am but one person.  However, I am but one person who cares about making the tiniest of ripples to affect change and goodness in this crazy world.

I was going to address the college rape in the news recently...
Then the shooting in Orlando occurred...and before I could write about that?
A black man was shot...and before I could write about that?
Another man was shot...
Then a shooting in Washington...
Then policemen were shot in LA....

The list goes on and on, and one theme sticks in my head -


Fill the world with goodness one person at a time.  I have posted on Facebook often during these tragedies to do something kind for someone on that day.  Hate breeds more hate, love breeds more love.  Has anyone listened?  Has anyone done anything kind for someone?  Does anyone care? Really care?

During many of these events, I had a lot going on, travel, fun, vacation, and such positively glorious things that I could not post about these events then.  I did selfishly want to enjoy my vacation, my daughter's competition, our family time away from home and work, enjoying each other.  I was also processing and this same nagging concept kept coming up. 


It is the only answer that I have, but if enough people DO GOOD, then the bad gets crowded out, like weeds in the grass. Water the lawn, fertilize, grow good strong grass and the weeds will eventually get crowded out. Watering our nation's grass will make it greener and we can choke out the weeds.

~~Daring, Delightful, Do-Gooder, Diva

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