Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pastor Meeting

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 9:35 PM
In my recent thoughts on dating, I realized that I had quite a meeting once - a PASTOR!
My dear friends had this 'wonderful' pastor that they wanted me to meet, so they invited me to their church for a Harvest Luncheon - no big deal, right?

Little did I know that their church was the smallish type and EVERY SINGLE WOMAN in the joint knew exactly why I was there! I was asked 20 questions by everyone, stared at, whispered about - which was funny and even funnier when I noticed that the pastor fella was completely clueless!

But the grandest of all in this meeting is that my then-2-year-old had the most major blowout - and I ended up having NO extra clothes, trying to find cleaning supplies, garbage sacks, you name it! So, he ended up running around in a church that we've never stepped foot in in his diaper and shirt - all to meet a pastor with no kids!

Needless to say, the clueless pastor and the trashy mother did NOT hook up whatsoever! ; )

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