Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Theory on 'Types' - where are you?

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 12:39 PM
What TYPE are you?  What TYPE do you seek in a partner? Where do you fit or NOT fit?  Here I share my theory on girl and guy types, as I have often referred to myself as 'the girl-next-door type' and it leads to interesting conversations....
  1. Super Models - aka 'hotties' and other such terminology; defined by sizzling good looks, but because the universe has to balance things out so they may not get the best in the brains department, or  might be horrible person, bitchy, douchey, lack self-confidence at the core, high maintenance, and more.  We all know at least one, right? The second they open their mouth, attraction plummets! 
  2. Girls/Guys-Next-Door - These folks, both with men and women are truly the whole enchillada - they've got great looks, plenty of brains, along with perhaps wit and humor, but may be overlooked for super model ambitions in the dating world. 
  3. Plain Janes/Joes - These are the regular ol' Joes so to speak, not horrible looking, perhaps smarter than the average bear though, and the Janes may be above wearing makeup, or just too busy or smart to bother.  Not into fashion, etc etc.  You get the idea.  On Big Bang Theory Amy Farrah Fowler is a prime example! Watch this and have fun!  Kills me! 
  4. Ugly Ducklings - now these are the folks we see that we may wonder WOW, there is even someone for them!  They were not blessed with looks or brains, and the world is full of them.  Bad teeth, coke bottle glasses, bad fashion, and no brains, or skills for that matter.  I am not certainly trying to be mean here.  Just pointing out various types.  We all have seen them, and sometimes together, that gauky boy and plump gal at the fair making out, both with horrible acne, teeth clanking together....and we wonder HOW on EARTH???  Ok, bad memories flooding back.
SOOOO, now you get the idea! IU am bringin up nothing new here...there are always exceptions of course!  The key is to know and be aware enough of where YOU are and what you want...as a good match for you.  I really AM the girl next door, and in my opionion, those are the types, guys or girls, that you want to end up with in the end...they ARE the whole package - looks, brains, wit, humor, savvy, and more....If you are single reassess who you are looking for....are you a guy-next-door seeking out the eternal holy grail of a super model?  Are you a Plain Jane smart as a whip trying to get the guy next door to notice you?  It's a tough world to date anyway, let's start by being realistic...maybe there is a Plain Joe checking you out too....

We all have to open our eyes more, become a little more self-aware and it might not hurt to watch this hilarious video clip - She's Out Of My League!  Expand my theory to a 1 to 10 scale and I should have gone to the movie makers with MY idea!  The movie is about a 10 falling for a 5, in which NOBODY can even understand!

HAHA Enjoy!
And happy fishing!
Dancing Daring Delightful Diva :)

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