Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Run HAPPY? Are you KIDDING me?

Posted by Daring Delightful Digital Diva at 12:00 AM
Never in a million years would I associate running with happy, but here's the story.....

I have been pushing myself for years to live outside my comfort zone – from bellydancing to purchasing my own home, to meeting new people, trying a motorcycle ride when they scare me to death, to most anything!

The latest is RUNNING! I have not run even a mile since high
school gym class (JUST had 20th reunion!), yet have all these amazing friends who run and we tease each other about our style of workouts – me the bellydancer and Zumba gal vs. the running they torture themselves with! I even told my friend that runners do not look happy when they run, so she stopped in my office with a “Run Happy” shirt on just for my benefit!

Well….long story short, in discussions with several wellness runner friends and planning a weekend trip around a MARATHON, I had this nagging thought – “why CAN’T I run even a MILE?” – so I started! First I started with intervals of running and walking, then I tried to run simply a half mile without stopping. That attempt was in June. I decided since a runner friend of mine stretched herself out of her comfort zone and took an 8-hour bellydance workshop from me at least year’s conference that I would find a way to run the 5k race at the conference this year! I did it!!! 3.1 miles after 5-6 weeks of training!

That was kind of thrilling and shocking at the same time! Here I was RUNNING - ok since I am slow, I suppose the technical term is JOGGING...! I literally have never run 3.1 miles in my lifetime! So, now I am signing up for a mini-triathlon in August through the YMCA, and a 10k in my hometown in September in order to push myself outside that box again and to prepare for this HALF MARATHON crazy idea! I just last night ran 5.45 miles.....WHATTTTT???? Who IS this girl? HAHA

So, WOW – I’ve thought back over the years and all that I have tried simply to push myself, to be uncomfortable, to break the mundane, to step outside the routine – all ultimately to grow, to learn, and I ask you the same. What have you done to push yourself? To try new things? To stretch, grow and learn? What have you done for your health and well-being? Creativity? Please share your story and send to
Delightful Daring Developing, Digital Diva :)

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