Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spread Your Wings and Fly

Posted by Daring Delightful Digital Diva at 12:00 AM
Many times in my life, or yours, we can look back...BACK being the key here. We look back and THEN we see with more clarity, more ah-ha's, and more insight. We see the bigger picture, we see how things have turned out, and do you know what I've found? That things really do turn out how they are supposed to be, and for my highest good.

That means there are sucky times that we have to sit in the hurt, the pain, even just the unknown. But, I have finally figured out that even in those times, I take the learning, the growing and the opportunity - and have learned to let myself FLY....knowing I really and truly am onto bigger and better things - whether a new job, new town, new hobby, new partner or relationship, or any such new adventure. I will continue to spread my wings, fly, and encourage you to do the same. Please reply and tell me something you have done to spread your wings and FLYYYYY!
~Daring, Delightful Diva

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