Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy - Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Posted by Daring Delightful Digital Diva at 5:10 PM
How many times a day do you hear people tell you that they are "SOOOOO busy"?  I bet you cannot count on even both hands! 
I am in health and wellness, have five children, a partner, hobbies, exercise, sleep, and more - and certainly could subscribe to the "I'm too busy" notion if I wanted to.  The fact is, we are ALL busy, and while I'm sure you could graph it out and find that some people are actually busier than others, it is not a competition.  It is a way of life these days it seems and it is also not a pile of excuses -
Excuses for not keeping in touch, not following through on something, not helping a neighbor or friend, not holding a door open for a stranger, not, not, not. 
In my family we DO - we fit it in!  We enjoy life to the fullest!  I have had some people ask me how I fit it all in, how I have the energy - it is true that I am energetic, for sure!  But we just WANT to fit it in!  Attitude is all it takes!  We don't complain about cooking the kids dinner around science projects and track meets and more - we fit it in and as a family event, teaching them along the way!  We fit time in with kids, sports, friends, house projects (moved recently), travel, work, surgeries, and more.  We don't use it as an excuse - we can still check on a friend in need, volunteer our time and more.  And we teach the kids the same.  We have a couple of introverts in the bunch, so I have also learned very well now that everyone requires different levels of down time, alone time - and take those opportunities to fit in more things or my own things, or find value in nothingness, mindless TV on occasion and whatnot.  Together couple time is also important so we fit that in as well! 
It works, life is enjoyable, fit it in, change the attitude - thinking "oh man I have to...." is far different than "hey guys, let's all...." And stop using I'M BUSY as an excuse....I type this on the last day that my clients are due to finish their wellness requirements and probably the day BEFORE I hear the most excuses ever ;) Just sayin' ;)
~Daring, Delightful, Digital Diva

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