I was inspired to write (again) about technology overload, albeit ironically in a blog, from my computer. I struggle with technology overload, addiction, and feel pulled in many directions. The sense of urgency, the immediate gratification, ugh! I spend time when it amps up trying to disconnect, limit my exposure, and shut down notifications and pop-ups. Basically, I attempt to take control of my life and give it back to myself and the people around me.
I listened to the most amazing video by this young man (creds to him!) TAKE a few minutes to watch and try, I dare you, to NOT be inspired to make a change. Just one. Little. Change.
The following touched me TO THE CORE:
- The average person spends four years of life looking down at cell phone?
- Touch screens make us lose touch
- iiiiiii mac, phone, so many I's, not enough WE...
- Social media claims to connect us, but connection is no better
- We have so many Friend LISTS, but many are friendLESS in actuality
- Measuring self worth by numbers of followers and likes, ignoring those who actually like and love…
- Humans have attention span one second LESS than a goldfish…WHAT???
- OMG, SRS, SMH, can we have a conversation without abbreviation?
- NEWS is now 140 characters, or 6-second videos, leading to further overstimulation and a high speed world.
- ADD on the rise faster than LG, 4G. I myself feel I struggle with ADD/ADHD and have to take conscious efforts to reign myself in, take and keep control of my mind and my tie to tech
Ideally, I'd like to do the following:
- NOT spoil a precious moment, but LIVE it!
- Not feel the need to check my phone, or respond the second someone messages me.
- I've already shut down all notification except FB messenger and text - because that at least is a human attempt at interaction. The rest can wait. It really can.
- Tuck my phone away - during all meals, when out with friends or family.
- Turn my phone on Do Not Disturb when I am needing to give my full attention to someone. Or turn it off. Guess what? It will all be there when I return!
- Date nights with NO technology or phones. Be real. Be together.
- Here are eight more ways to disconnect
I have just recently finished my MBA and while my time was also sucked in that direction, I have made a conscious effort to interact with people, catch up, and in 2 weeks I have had lunch with two ladies that I had not previously, and enjoyed myself a LOT! I've texted a few people to at a minimum catch up in some way, shape, or form. I've limited my time on FB, and am considering taking a break from it again - with the exception of the kid or photography pages. No more getting sucked into a time warp.
Just yesterday, I was leaving work and got a "DING" so I stopped to check it. A gentleman also leaving said "hey, thanks for stopping while you check your phone!" which he meant as a compliment to common sense and safety. But I realized that I didn't HAVE to check it at all right then!
So, the gentleman in the video says:
"Imagine a world where we smile when we have low batteries,
because we will be ONE BAR CLOSER TO HUMANITY…"
because we will be ONE BAR CLOSER TO HUMANITY…"
I invite you to do even ONE thing to limit this disjointed 'connectedness' and take at least one effort to really connect and BE with someone, even powering down so you can fully immerse yourself and engage with who you are WITH. And solo time also important, so try sitting and NOT being on your phone. Read a book, enjoy the view, check out a garden, visit with a stranger, do a random act of kindness.
Disconnect to Reconnect…See you on the flip side folks!~Daring, Delightful, NON-Digital Diva
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