Tuesday, March 30, 2010

GAY-dar Guy

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 9:26 PM
Ok, my Gay-dar is right on most the time, but man alive! I recently connected with a guy from Bozeman on the match site and he wanted to come up to Billings and meet me, so I agreed, safely to an afternoon date and thought I'd play it by ear. I had a birthday party with friends later.

So, coffee, lunch and a hike all seemed to go well, but something was at least a little goofy about this guy. Intelligent, but a little geeky admittedly. Certainly was behaving better than some others anyway and seemed like a gentleman anyway!

Since it was all going fairly well, I asked if he'd like to stay and go with me and my friends. Dinner out with 3 gal pals went well, they LIKED him! He faired well with them, and then we met up with more friends and one good guy friend said "HE'S GAY!!!!" and we all went berserk! Really? He had an accent and spoke with a bit of a lisp which was annoying, but we didn't pick up on any GAY vibes! UNTIL THEN!!! Then, everything he did I thought how dorky and GAY he was! And I was stuck on the date, because I had asked him to join us! Learning lesson!

Well, things got REALLY weird after the date, and the next night on the phone I was saying it just wasn't going to work out and he asked me for my GUY friend's phone number! Said he was such a nice guy, so sweet to us ladies, he didn't want him thinking bad of him, etc... and all I could think was - GAAAAAY!!!! And then he went on and on to tell me how he was ATTRACTED to my girlfriend! He did NOT just say that!!!!?? It went completely downhill from there. I told him I had to go call her and got off the phone with him. He then called 5 times in an hour and tried a few more days...then I finally called him back to leave him a nastygram...and sadly, he UNFRIENDED me on Facebook! Phew! Another one bites the dust!

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