Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 9:10 PM
Well, lo and behold, it was bound to happen - and right off the bat!  The guy who we all know suffers from NICE GUY Syndrome, right?  Yep, you bet!

Connected online with a nice fella, had great and witty emails, then great and witty conversations on the phone for hours...then the first date...not bad!  Then two dates, and pretty quickly it was apparent that he was into me than I was into him. 

I wasn't sure though, either, having been out of the game for a while, and so I wanted to be friends, see what happened, and do you know what????  He didn't WANT to be my friend!  He's been 'in the Friend Zone" far too many times, so he just would rather not be there with me.  CRAZY!  So, I was worth dating, being with, seeing if a together-life would grow, but NOT to be my friend?  WOW!!!  Moving on I guess!

1 comments on "NICE GUY"

Mary on March 30, 2010 at 11:54 PM said...

Guys can be sooooo funny when it comes to the "friend" thing. They need to know that it is a place of honor that allows him to be very close to a gal and "in" on her thoughts in a way that boyfriends at times are not.

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