Friday, September 18, 2009

Blind Date

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 8:38 PM

Well, I guess everyone's got to experience a blind turn!
My friend has just been dying to set me up with a guy at work, and finally I agreed!

He called promptly, was so polite, and we set up a hike, dinner and would then see what else would happen from there. When I got to the hiking spot we agreed to meet at, I realized that this was probably not the safest move I'd made, given that I AM Safety Girl and preach safe ways to date, have sex, etc. and ad nauseum! But, realized he also had a built-in level of trust since he's worked with my friend for 2 years...

It turned out fine! Was an enjoyable hike, we changed for dinner, had a good time there, all good and fun conversation. We ended up going out for drinks after dinner and staying out until 1:00 am! All in all, not a bad blind date - for having to have one! : )

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