Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Being Open - in ALL kinds of places!

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 10:29 AM
Well, I have decided to be open to meeting people, but have recently discovered a couple things.  People SAY there are still good men left, but nobody KNOWS any!  HA HA So here is a funny story about meeting people in all kinds of unexpected places!

I was meeting with a couple insurance agents getting quotes.  While waiting for things, small chat ensued and upon getting an idea of who or how I am, one joked that I was quite a catch!  I said after my recent ponderings over where the good men are, said "I AM a good catch, but where are any good men to match me with if there are some left then?" He said he had someone in mind and proceeded to tell me about him and got VERY excited about the possibility!  We carried on about our insurance business and I asked him WHY he thought of that guy and me - what made it click for him, what his reasons were.  He shared them and I agreed AND at the same time realized how transparent I am and come across to the world!  HA HA

Well, there was a knock at the door and I joked that it MUST be him....but it REALLY WAS - as evidenced by the other two agents getting red in the face, giggly and quiet, not quite knowing how I pulled THAT one off!  So, that left ME to say something to this poor, unsuspecting fella (who was tall, dark, handsome and intelligent like they said!). 

I introduced myself, asked who he was and let him in on the fact that we had just guessed that it would be him and that they were conspiring to set the two of us up!  We all laughed, and he didn't quite know what to do about that!  He had to run, and the one agent said "I'm talkin to you when she leaves!" HA HA
I DID be brave, left my number for him, said I was game because you never know...we'll see if he calls!

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