Thursday, April 7, 2011

Date again Mom?

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 2:33 PM
Recently, having been out of the dating scene for a while, I decided to ask the kids what they thought of their mom dating again!

Well, much enthusiasm ensued and then I wondered 'why the ecstatic-ness?'  So I asked why they were so excited for Mom to date again - to which my daughter (age 9) replied "we just want you to be happy Mom!"

I explained my happiness and that I didn't need to date someone to BE happy - that I had them, me, my friends, my work, and was really liking this town and move - and that I felt QUITE HAPPY...

My daughter had her fingers to her chin, deep in thought - then stated "we just want you to be EXTRA HAPPY then Mom, like the cherry on top!"

How wise, little one, how wise!  : )

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