Friday, June 10, 2011


Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 1:37 PM
Someone once told me in relationships to wait....for the WOW factor....and to not settle for less.  I have been patiently waiting, figuring things out on me, living my life with more intention and purpose, all of those things.  WOW has hit me square in the eyes and when I least expected it!

I have been thoroughly enjoying dating this special man for a while now and found myself saying WOW an awful lot.  Then it dawned on me - WOW - this is really happening!  Then I had to examine the other, more logical aspects too...

This is a good man, with good character and good values - one of the more recent qualities that I have been waiting for, to be more congruent and compatible with my own life (including two little ones!).  I didn't feel at all like I was settling for a Mr. Ok!  This has REAL possibility here!  WOW!  Ohhhh, there it goes again, like an uncontrollable spasm, WOW!  So far, we are finding that we are quite compatible in many ways - active, healthy, family values, things desired in life, and lifestyle.  As well, we ar finding complementary things too - my organizational skills and positivity, his ability to slow down and relax, being in nature,  helping bring me down to earth now and then, and both of us commenting on how it helps us each BE a better person - always part of any positive WOW relationship, right?  This is WOW...oops, there it is again...anyone have more words? 

How about the "L" word?  Yep, I'm in LOVE, and so is he - how convenient is that? >>>>> and as my kids would say "Mommy" and "----" kissing in a tree...K.I.S.S.I.N.G....
you know those words!  : )

Enjoy your day, your life, your relationships
And make them the best that you can each and every day!

Dancing, Daring, Delightful Diva!

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