Thursday, August 4, 2011

More Change...and growth!

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 9:39 AM
Well, life has thrown more curve balls my way and change brings growth, right?
I am no longer dating the special man in my life, it seems too much opposite was difficult and fear-inducing for him - and he ran.  He didn't handle things in the greatest or most respectful manner so that adds to the difficulty, but as someone told me I would realize someday...he did the best he could in the moment, and that wasn't good enough for me...So one more door shuts, and we will see about other doors and windows later on. 

This has been difficult to swallow for sure - I had finally trusted again, fell in love again, so it is painful.  I am recovering and focusing on me again and getting back to normal. 
I have learned and am grateful for many things from the experience, even through the pain.
  1. Perhaps it was good for me simply TO trust and love again.
  2. My kids, while they met him and that is difficult, they also got to see, as did I, how someone CAN be with them, and an experience we all got to have, while brief.
  3. I was relaxed finally in dating, enjoying the moments...I was doing GREAT!
  4. I tightened my standards yet again and keep getting closer and closer to a good match for me. 
Good luck to all of you in your relationships and learning experiences, I am moving on and back to me!

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