Saturday, January 21, 2012

What IS a douche bag anyway?

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 3:55 PM
In recent days I have been asked "What constitutes a douche bag anyway?"
So it is my duty to define, explain and teach! ;)

Sometimes in defining something, we must first see the flip side - what a douche bag is NOT, which might be perhaps more educational and telling. In fact, I am not speaking to the men here, both sexes can certainly BE douchey, for sure! 

What a douche bag is NOT:  honest, caring, kind, thoughtful, full of integrity and honor.  Saying what they mean, meaning what they saying, doing the right thing and doing what they say.  It would seem to me like simplicity at its finest...but it is apparently NOT that simple, or we wouldn't have a world full of douche bags running around!

So to zone in on what a douche bag IS, you can even find some examples in my previous blogs like The Traveler who did not present himself as he is now, to the Fellow Parent who presented himself full of fine character when all he wanted was a booty call, and the Too Tall Guy that just encompassed so many douchey things!  In general, these men, many other stories my exhibit douchey traits such as conceitedness, exaggeration, deceit, not showing up on time, or at all, checking out other women (or men) when with a fine specimen already, and general rudeness all around.

And drop it like it's HOT because this is the BEGINNING...the BEST time when people are on their best behaviors, still trying to look good and be good - it ONLY gets worse, honest!  So RUN FORREST RUN!!!! 

Well, that's what I can express about douchey-ness, DBags, and DBs for now!
Avoid em like the plague!

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