Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Falling apart, falling into place, strength, courage

Posted by Daring Delightful Digital Diva at 9:39 AM
We, or our friends, go through rough times in and out of relationships and have break-ups and divorces.  Here are some words of wisdom, quotes I love and thoughts that helped get me through some of those times, and I hope it helps someone else too.  Come here when you feel weak, scared, lonely, or that you can't get through this...Let's start with one of my all-time favs:
In the end, everything will be okay - if it's not okay, then it's not the end.  Quite has ups and downs, so if you are experiencing a down....this too shall pass, and things will be okay again. 

Things fall apart, so enjoy the mess, learn to sit in the muck, the mess and do all you can to take things as a learning opportunity, a door closing, but another opening...things will fall into place...

PLOT TWIST is one of the hardest to apply...we hang on, we try, we work at something, or someone...sometimes it's simply time to let go and move on.

Self-respect - when you finally get this one, then it is easier for the care and well-being of yourself to walk away from things and people that are not in your life for your highest good or purpose.

When pain, life's changes, etc are due to another person, or a is very difficult to let go, if you are compassionate, care, and have the personality to keep on trying, give it your all, put in 110%.  How many times have you caught yourself saying you can "make this work"? Sometimes in relationships, you have to give up on the other person, not because you don't care...but because they don't care - enough about themselves or the relationship....or YOU. Let it go.
During a break-up of mine in the past, I was struggling to be the good person, be supportive, he had lost his job, flipped out and broken up...what was I to do?  I chose to be there...when he called or texted, or missed me, or wanted me back. I've joked with my friends that I'm sure they wanted to slap some sense into me!  What I hadn't quite figured out, until my boss said "run, Tabatha, run...I've learned in my life that 100% of the time, people show you their true character during adversity" that it clicked....I mean REALLY clicked.  People show you who they are all the time...let them, then learn from it and decide if this is the kind of person, character that you want to surround yourself with.  Let it go if it is not. 
One of my ALL TIME favorite poems, given to me in a rough time and a break up is the poem LET IT GO by T. D. Jakes.  Here is a video of Preacher TD Jakes in hiw own words during a sermon on the subject as well.  The moral? 

Let someone go...if they can walk away from you, then let them walk.  Don't try to talk another person into staying, loving you, calling you, dating you, being with you - let them walk if they are going to walk.  PERIOD.
Because your destiny is not tied to a person who left. Their time or purpose in your life or story has passed. Let them go.  Here is his poem as well.  Print it, post it, read it, believe it..........
And so, sometimes we are left simply needing STRENGTH - We overcome so much in life, and we do get through it, and I have found ALWAYS that I truly am stronger for it.   This is easier said than done at times, but that is why we must lean on friends, family and our support network to get through the tough times.  We are not strong enough yet, or on our own, so we need the village to help us get through.

Storms, trees, roots, winds....I love nature and we can learn from it.  Storms make trees take deeper roots, grow more deeply, and we can too.
We have to know, believe in ourselves, and weather these storms. We will see the sunshine again, the blue skies, feel the breeze, smell the flowers...

And we look back and think - I am in a much better place now...and I AM stronger!
To all my friends having rough times - words of encouragement, strength, wisdom...And here are some more blogs to fill your heart, ease your mind - Words of Wisdom by Maya Angelou, Me Time is Important, Spread Your Wings and Fly, My Wish For YOUBlossom with the right person, Closure? Change?  Bring it!, Outside My Box, and The Power of Positive...and certainly read back, and enjoy!  
~Daring, Delightful, Digital Diva

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