Saturday, October 24, 2009

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 5:04 PM
I am reading Steve Harvey's book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man to see if I can gleam anything helpful to arm myself in this dating world at all! 
So far, some things seem to ring true!
  1. Men's love is different than women's love.  While a woman can be kind, compassionate, patient, nurturing, sweet and unconditional and pure - and she can want all of that from her man, a man's love IS different!  Because men don't love like we do, doesn't mean they don't.  Here's how to tell if a man loves you...A man will PROFESS his love for you, by introducing you as something, sharing with the world that you are important to him.  A man will PROVIDE for you in many ways, and PROTECT you...they are born and bred to do these things for a lady that is important in their lives.
  2. Needs - Women's needs are complicated and change in an instant!  Men's needs are simple - Support, Loyalty and THE COOKIE....
More about the cookie next!  Interesting stuff - giving us the secrets of how men work, think and love...hmmmm!

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