Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Cookie

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 7:55 PM
Well, it seems life has thrown me some more changes since last I wrote...namely that I won't be getting or giving the COOKIE anytime soon!  My relationship efforts at a second go-around ended suddenly- and around the holidays no less!

So I guess when I was reading Act Like a Lady, I had better have been generalizing for all men, since I'll be back out on the dating scene again someday!  Oy! 
What I REALLY learned from the book was that I am going to institute a 90-day RULE for the cookie!  HAHA : )   He explained that when anyone starts working for a company, you have to work usually 90 days prior to receiving the 'benefits' so why should us ladies think or act any differently?  I think when I go out with a guy, he'll show up on time, do what is required, earn his keep, and THEN may receive the benefits - or THE COOKIE!

Meanwhile, batteries will have to suffice for me too!  ; )

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