Friday, January 29, 2010


Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 9:49 AM
I am in the middle of an experiment.  I have been torn about online dating, but decided to at least add the experience to my collection!  So, on the first day, I had gotten 5 emails, and a couple of "WINKS" ; )  whatever that is! 

I found completing the profile a VERY good learning experience, and you can complete a profile without officially signing up and paying for the service...I completed 2 different sites to see what was better.  I tried eHarmony and and found to have MORE matches for me to choose from (come on, a girl still wants CHOICE, right?) and the matches were IN Billings.  So, that led me to pay and sign up and see who my matches were! 

It has been entertaining, interesting, intriguing, and odd all at the same time.  A couple fellas and I have been emailing back and forth, a few I have emailed and have gotten no response - and one who marked me as a "favorite" but hasn't bothered to respond!  Darn, he sounded VERY intelligent, funny and interesting, too! 

I have realized this about online dating so far - while you are increasing your chances of meeting and connecting with people, at the same time you are increasing your rejection ratio as well!  I have rejected some, and some likely are rejecting me.  But, in keeping the perspective, that is why I did throw out who and how I am, take it or leave leave it if you're not interested!  The same goes for me!  : )

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