Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 9:53 AM
So, my friends tease me all the time about all these RULES that I have in regards to dating.  There are not many, but I stand by them very strongly and I wish more of my friends developed their own rules too...or just followed mine!  : )
  1. Never give out your phone number in a BAR...NEVER!  You are not going there to meet guys; you will not meet Mr. Right in a bar; and if he's truly meant for you, certainly you'd run into him somewhere else!
  2. Never ditch plans with friends for a date; Karma is just asking to get even! Bad date, getting stood up, you name it!  It shows character to not cancel on plans you have, and if the guy is interested, he will wait and try for another night!
  3. NEW  to the menu!  Implement the "90-day" rule!  Make a guy earn his keep, show up on time, treat you right, etc before giving him the 'benefits' or the 'cookie' ; ) (See The COOKIE post for more info, from Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man book!)
Well, even I was meant to semi-break my own rules at some point and I have learned my lesson!  I gave out my number to a guy that I had danced with on 3 separate occasions at a bar...but I didn't give him my number even then.  My friends and I went to eat afterwards, when he and his brother showed up about 20 minutes later!  So, my friends said that I was no longer IN a bar and could give him my number, or take his at the very least.  So, I took his, and called him a few days later.  We have been communicating and I have learned very much to NEVER break my rule again! UUUUGH! Just not the guy for me...I am very intuitive about these things - and even so, sometimes it is just obvious! HAHA

Nice guy, but I am VERY different kind of girl and am a LOT to handle to begin with.  So last night he texted "did you have a good day or are you in one of your moods" - and that will be the last call or text that he gets from me...If this was only the beginning of a relationship thing, what fun is THAT??? Ick!   My moods are my business, and I guess I'm not in the MOOD to hear from him again! 
SO, I guess I have a BAR GUY to add to the mix, and move on to better!  Oy!

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