Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Goofy Fella

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 1:56 PM
First up from the revamped online dating experience is the 'goofy fella' from a town about 80 miles away.  I have to think of the lessons learned here, so while some things were great, like his humor, wittiness, fun nature - there were some drawbacks that were clearly NOT going to work for me, my personality, or my lifestyle!

So the lesson learned for me was when I sent a text that unbeknownst to me would strike a chord as a litmus test - into the 'kid zone' since this man was 40 and does not have children of his own, I realized I didn't quite know how he felt.  So, one evening after a rough night with the kiddos I let him know that - and a) he made a smart-a$$ comment about kids and b) he didn't want to visit with me, preferring to read a bit instead, so clearly unable to step outside his own needs to be there for someone else. 

DONE!  Cut our losses, moving on, lessons and needs learned!  WOOHOO!

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