Monday, September 19, 2011

More Online

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 11:06 AM
Each of us should take some time to refocus, regroup, recooperate and recover after a breakup - and at some point we have to get back on the horse, right?  Either people cannot resist setting you up, you are social and out and about, and you might like to attempt to add someone into your adventure of life!  Well, such is the case for me!  HOWEVER...

For me several factors are playing into the 'meeting people' scenario:  1) smaller town, 2) largely blue collar town, 3) working for one of the largest employers, but not wishing to date someone from work, 4) no phone numbers in bars, there to dance only not meet people!  SO, my friend encouraged me to try dating online - again! 

I considered her idea - I live close enough to several towns, so even the possibility of someone NOT in my town was appealing, opening up more doors.  As was another aspect - throwing myself out there exactly as I am!  Only those interested in my personality would message me right? 

Well, sort of - there is weeding the garden of the rubbish so to speak, but yes, I have had some dates from there and nothing has worked out so far, but I am trying to just have fun with this, learn something new each time, grow and even think of it as preparing myself for the right relationship as I learn, grow, expand, narrow in on what I would like or NOT like in a partner and relationship!

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