Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Young Student

Posted by Dancing Daring Delightful Diva at 2:21 PM
With my energy level, some people have told me to try dating younger than myself so one has a slim chance of keeping up with me!
Well I did have an opportunity to attempt this, since a 26-year-old studnent contacted me on the dating website.  I politely replied to him and was planning on being dismissive and moving on...and he replied again. He was smart, witty and mature, surprisingly for his age.  So we got to chatting and the like...

But, alas, after much chatting, messaging, we even met.  We discussed openly the age difference and it was clearly about life stages, not age. And we also joked about me being a cougar, him a boy toy, me a MILF....silliness!
Lesson learned, life stage can be too much to overcome and make a go of a relationship!
Cutting losses, moving forward, carry on!  And I got a good friend out of the deal, so that just can't be that bad!

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